Profile Picture
Dr. Soney C George

Dean Research

Date of Joining : 11-09-2001

AICTE Id : 1-445247813

Membership in

  • FRSC - Life Time(541127)
  • CMI - Yearly(UK; P04669932)
  • ISTE - Life Time()
  • ISDS - Life Time(ISDS -Associate Member)
  • ACS - Life Time(30808445)

Areas of Interest

  • Education-Elementary and higher education, Engineering Education, Human Resource Management, Mentoring and supporting students and faculty

Area of Specialization

  • Polymer Science, Polymer Blends & Composites, Nanocomposites, Polymer Membranes & Transport Phenomena

Chathukulam, Perumpaikad P.O, Kottayam, Kottayam, Kottayam - 686016 Kerala

Dr. Soney C George

Dean Research, Administration

Date of Joining : 11-09-2001

  • MBA- HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Pondicherry University (2019)
  • Ph. D- Diffusion And Transport Properties - Mahatma Gandhi University 1999 (1999)
  • M.Sc- Polymer Chemistry - Mahatma Gandhi University (1993)
  • B.Sc- Chemistry - Mahatma Gandhi University (1990)

  • Dean Research in Amal Jyothi College of Engineering from 2001 onwards
  • Assistant Professor in Crescent Engineering College Chennai from 2000 to 2001
  • Lecturer in K E College Mannanam 1999
  • Assistant Professor in University of Blase PascalFrance 1999
  • Lecturer in M G University Kottayam from 1997 to 1999
  • Reviewer-Project proposals, awarded SERB, DST
  • AICTE National Technical Teachers Award 2022, awarded AICTE
  • KSCSTE P.T Bhaskara Panicker Science Writing fellowship 2022, awarded KSCSTE, Thriuvanathapuram
  • Editorial Board Member , awarded Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology (JBNB, ISSN Online: 2158-7043).
  • IOP outstanding reviewer award , awarded IOP Publisher
  • CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership 2019, awarded Dudley College of Technology, UK
  • RSC IYPT Member Grant award 2019 for celebrations of International Year of Periodic Table, awarded Royal Society of Chemistry, London
  • ISTE Best Faculty Award 2019, awarded Indian Society for Technical Education
  • KTU Researcher of the Year 2018 Award, awarded APJ Abdul Kalaam Technical University
  • Selected for AICTE –UKIERI Leadership training Programme, awarded AICTE-UKIERI
  • Editorial Board Member- Science Progress, Sage Publications, awarded Science Progress
  • Affiliate member of Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Dudley College of Technology.UK; P04669932, awarded Dudley College of Technology
  • Travel Grant award from AICTE for delivering a talk in Dubai 2018 and Bangkok in 2019, awarded All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
  • Received best citation award from International Journal of hydrogen energy , awarded  IJHE John O’M. Bockris Best Citation Award 2018
  • Editorial Board Member, awarded Scienceway -Children's Magazine
  • Best Faculty award ( Professor Category)-AJCE-2015-2016, 2014-2015, 2011-2012 and 2008-2009 , awarded Amal jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally
  • Honour Code Certificate from IIT Bombay-2016 , awarded IIT Bombay-2016
  • Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, London, awarded Royal Society of Chemistry, London
  • Founder Director, Amal Jyothi Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, awarded Amal Jyothi Center for Nanoscience and Technology
  • BK-21 South Korean Postdoctoral Fellowship-2006, awarded South Korea
  • DST-Fast Track award for Young Scientist-2005, awarded Department of Science and Technology
  • Chairman M.Tech Nanotechnology , Kottayam Cluster (2005 onwards), awarded APJ Abdul Kalaam Technical University
  • ISCA Young Scientist award-2001, awarded Indian Science Congress Association
  • SERC, DST Visiting Fellowship-2001, awarded Department of Science and Technology

  • GATE,  1994

  1. Anna M Abraham,  Mxene base supercapcitor electrodes , APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2026)
  2. Nikhi Maria ( started),  Electrospinned Polymer membrane for water purification , APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2024)
  3. Sreelakshmi Rajeevan ( Started),  Graphene based Supercapacitors, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2024)
  4. Resmi.B.P (Ongoing),  Tribological properties of Natural Rubber Nanocomposite foams, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2024)
  5. Sarath P S ( Thesis under preparation),  Graphene based Silicone Rubber Composites( thesis under preparation), Gdansk university of Technology (2023)
  6. Sharika T Nair ,  Role of Multiwall Carbón Nariotubes on the Morphology, Rheology and Properties of Natural Rubber/Polypropylene Blends, Mahatma Gandhi University (2020)
  7. Salini Thomas ,  Development of Elastomeric Nanocomposites, Mahatma Gandhi University (2019)
  8. Grace Moni ,  Graphene Based furoelastomer Nanocomposites:Preparation, charactersiation and properties , Mahatma Gandhi University (2019)
  9. Maya M.G ,  Development of High Performance Graphene /Polychloroprene Rubber Nanocomposites, Mahatma Gandhi University (2019)
  10. Thomasukutty Jose,  Development, Transport and Pervaporation Studies of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanocomposites, Mahatma Gandhi University (2018)
  11. Jiji Abraham,  Ionica liquid modified carbon nanotube reinforced SBR Composites, Mahatma Gandhi University (2018)
  12. Sarathchandran C,  Morphology and Properties of Polymer Blend Systems based on Epoxy systems, Mahatma Gandhi University (2016)
  13. Viju Susan Mathew,  Toughening of Epoxy Resins using liquid Rubbers- Degree awarded, Mahatma Gandhi University (2012)

  • Patents Granted for Graphene oxide/ poly (vinyl alcohol) membranes for the pervaporation separation of tetrahydrofuran – water azeotropic mixtures from Indian Patent office, New Delhi on the year 2023(Application No. 201941046790 )
  • A Comprehensive Review of Sustainability in Natural-Fiber-Reinforced Polymers ,2024, Sustainability
  • A facile fabrication of PU/rGO/MoS2 self-cleaning fibrous membrane for oil-water separation ,2024, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
  • Effect of filler loading on the frictional, thermal and mechanical properties of ABS/boron nitride (h-BN) nanocomposites ,2024, Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects
  • Performance of novel engineered materials from nano-silica incorporated phenol-formaldehydeflax fabric hybrid composite: Thermal, wear, aging and biodegradability analysis ,2024, Journal of Polymer Science
  • Symmetric Supercapacitors based on Reduced Graphene Oxide Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Cobalt Oxide Ternary Composites ,2024, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B Physics
  • Polydopamine modified polymeric carbon nitride nanosheet based ABS nanocomposites for better thermal, frictional and mechanical performance ,2023, Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects
  • Fabrication of high-performance symmetric pseudocapacitor by synthesizing ionic liquid-modified graphene/MoS2 NS binary electrode ,2023, Journal of Energy Storage
  • Tribological performance of ionic liquid modified graphene oxide/silicone rubber composite and the correlation of properties using machine learning methods ,2022, Polymer Engineering Science
  • Study the synergistic effect of fumed silica and reduced graphene oxide insertion on the thermal, mechanical, tribological, and solvent transport properties of silicone rubber nanocomposites ,2022, Journal of Applied Polymer Science
  • Fabrication, characterization, and properties of silane functionalized graphene oxide/ silicone rubber nanocomposites ,2022, Journal of Applied Polymer Science
  • Fabrication of high-performance symmetric supercapacitor of graphene electrodes by tuning their electrochemical properties ,2022, Journal of Energy Storage
  • MWCNT reinforced flexible blend nanocomposites membranes for pervaporation separation of aromatic-aliphatic mixtures ,2022, Polymers and Polymer Composites
  • Study the effect of fumed silica on the mechanical, thermal and tribological properties of silicone rubber nanocomposites ,2022, Journal of Polymer Research
  • Review on physical and chemical properties of low and high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEFC) sealants ,2022, Polymer Degradation and Stability
  • Study the characteristics of novel ionic liquid functionalized graphene oxide on the mechanical and thermal properties of silicone rubber nanocomposites ,2021, Journal of Polymer Research
  • Effect of MWCNTs on the wetting behaviour of PP/NR blends ,2021, Macromolecular Symposia
  • Recent advancement in TENG polymer structures and energy efficient charge control circuits ,2021, Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research
  • Human hair reinforced natural rubber composite: effect of hair loading on mechanical, structural, morphological and thermal behaviour ,2021, Journal of Rubber Research
  • The effect of polyvinylidene fluoride binder on the electrochemical performance of graphitic electrodes ,2021, Journal of Energy Storage
  • Polyvinylidene fluoride: A multifunctional polymer in supercapacitor applications ,2021, Journal of Power Soucres
  • Synthesis and characterization of natural rubber/graphene quantum dot nanocomposites ,2021, Journal of Polymer Research
  • An investigation on the tribological and mechanical properties of silicone rubber / graphite composites ,2021, Journal of Composite Materials
  • Enhanced mechanical and thermal performance of multiwalled carbon nanotubes filled polypropylene/natural rubber thermoplastic elastomers ,2021, New Journal of Chemistry
  • A simple procedure for fabricating graphene or modified graphene polyaniline composites for supercapacitor application ,2021, Materials Today: Proceedings
  • Mechanical, thermal and morphological characterization of PP/PS/HDPE ternary immiscible polymer blend for light weight automotive applications ,2021, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Hydrophobic, superabsorbing materials from reduced graphene oxide/MoS2 polyurethane foam as a promising sorbent for oil and organic solvents ,2020, Polymer Testing
  • Studies of Vapour Permeation of Chlorinated HydrocarbonsThrough Natural Rubber-Clay Nanocomposite Membranes ,2020, International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
  • A study on the influence of reduced graphene oxide on the mechanical, dynamic mechanical and tribological properties of silicone rubber nanocomposites ,2020, Journal of Composite Materials
  • A comprehensive study on the impact of RGO/MWCNT hybrid filler reinforced polychloroprene rubber multifunctional nanocomposites ,2020, Polymer Testing
  • Effect of Graphite on the Pervaporation Performance of Silicone Rubber Membranes ,2020, International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
  • Fabrication of exfoliated graphite reinforced silicone rubber composites-Mechanical, tribological and dielectric properties ,2020, Polymer Testing
  • Influence of exfoliated graphite inclusion on the thermal, mechanical, dielectric and solvent transport characteristics of fluoroelastomer nanocomposites ,2020, Journal of Polymer Research
  • Effect of Nano Silica on the physical thermal and mechanical properties of NR Latex modified concrete ,2020, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences
  • Natural graphite reinforced fluoroelastomer composites: Morphological, mechanical, thermal, dielectric, and solvent transport studies ,2020, Polymer Engineering Science
  • Transport and Solvent sensing characteristics of Styrene Butadiene Rubber nanocomposites containing Imidazolium Ionic liquid Modified Carbon Nanotubes ,2020, Jouranl of Applied Polymer Science
  • Flexible FKM/mRGO nanocomposites with excellent thermal, mechanical and electrical properties ,2020, Arabian Journal of Chemistry
  • Exploring the Filler Polymer interaction and solvent transport behaviour of nano composites derived from reduced Graphene Oxide and Polychloroprene Rubber ,2019, Applied Polymer Science
  • Excellent Electro Magnetic Shield derived from MWCNT Reinforced NR/PP Blend Nano Composites with tailored Micro structural properties ,2019, Composites Part B: Engineering
  • Ionic Liquid modified multi walled carbon nano tube embedded SBR membranes for the selective removal of toluene from toluene/methanol mixture via pervaporation ,2019, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • Polybutadiene Rubber/Exfoliated Graphite Nano Composites: Impact of Filler on the Thermal, Mechanical and Permeability characteristics ,2019, Progress in Rubber, plastics and recycling technology
  • Mechanical Properties and Pervaporation Seperation Performance of C Tab- Modified Cage structured pose- incorporated PVA Membrane ,2019, Journal of Material Science
  • Effect of ionic liquid modified mwcnts on the rheological and microstructural developments in styrene butadiene rubber nanocomposites ,2019, Rubber Chemistry and Technology
  • Role of CNT/clay hybrid on the Mechanical, Electrical and Transport properties of NPR/NR blends ,2019, Polymer Bulletin
  • Potential applications of nanotechnology in transportation- A Review ,2019, Journal of King Saud University-Science
  • Free volume defect and transport properties of mechanically stable Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane embedded Poly(Vinyl Alcohol-Poly(Ethylene Oxide)blend membranes ,2019, Polymer International
  • Pervaporation seperation of an Azeotropic mixture of Tetra Hydro Furan-Water System with Nano Structured Polyhedral oligomeric, silsesquioxane embedded poly (vinyl alcohol) ,2018, Journal of Applied Polymer Science
  • Cure characteristics of nanocomposites containing imidazolium ionic liquid modified carbon nanotubes and styrene butadiene rubber ,2018, Material Sci & Eng
  • Effect of reduced Graphene Oxide on the Solvent Transport Characteristics and Sorption kinetics of Fluoro Elastomer Nano Composites ,2018, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
  • Development of a flexible and conductive elastomeric composite based on chloroprene rubber ,2018, Polymer Testing
  • Nanomaterials for photoelectrochemical water splitting - Review ,2018, International journal of hydrogen Energy
  • static and dynamic mechanical characteristics of ionic liquid modified MWCNT -SBR composites;Theoretical perspectives for the Nanoscale Reinforcement Mechanism ,2018, Journal of physical chemistry B
  • Investigation of the Mechanical, Thermal and Transport properties of NR/NPR blends: impact of organo clay content ,2018, Journal of Polymer Research
  • Ionic Liquid functionalised Graphene Oxide Fluro Elastomer Nano Composites with enhanced mechanical, dielectric and visco elastic properties ,2018, European Polymer Journal
  • Rigid amorphous phase: mechanical and transport properties of nitrile rubber/clay nanocomposites ,2017, Progress in Rubber Plastics Recycling Technology
  • Development and Performance Analysis of Fluro Elastomer-Graphite Nano Platelet Nano Composites ,2017, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences
  • Evaluation of mechanical, thermal, electrical and transport properties of MWCNT - filled NR/NBR blend composites ,2017, Polymer engineering and science
  • Tunable physico chemical properties of PVA Nanocomposite members for Enhanced pervaporation performance ,2017, Polymer engineering and science
  • Multifunctional Multiwalled carbon Nanotube Reinforced Natural Rubber Nanocomposites; ,2017, Industrial crops and products
  • Investigation into Dielectric Behaviour and Electromagnetic interference shielding Effectiveness of conducting SBR composites containing ionic liquid modified MWCNTnic liquid modified ,2017, POLYMER
  • Mechanical properties of short sisal fibre Reinforced Phenol Formaldehyde Eco-friendly composites ,2017, Polymers from Renewable Resources
  • Rheological percolation in Thermoplastic polymer Nanocomposites , Rheology ,2017, Rheology open access
  • Solvent Transport characteristics of Thermoplastic Elastomer Blends Based on Nylon and NBR ,2017, polymer engineering and science
  • The fabrication and properties of natural rubber-clay nanocomposites, ,2016, Polymer Testing
  • Gentamicin loaded electrospun poly (-caprolactone)/TiO2 nanocomposite membranes with antibacterial property against Methicillin resistant Staphylococus aureus ,2016, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering
  • Induced hydrophilicity of the nanoclay on the pervaporation performance of crosslinked Poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite ,2016, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering
  • Developing highly conducting and mechanically durable SBR composites with tailored microstructural properties by a green approach using ionic liquid modified MWCNT ,2016, RSC advances
  • Hydrophilic Nanocomposite membranes for the pervaportaion separation of Water- ethanol ,2015, Membrane Science and Technology
  • Selective localisation of multi walled carbon nanotubes in polypropylene/natural rubber blends to reduce the percolation threshold ,2015, Composites Science and Technology,
  • Transport Characteristics of Organic Solvents through Carbon Nanotube Filled Styrene Butadiene Rubber Nanocomposites: Influence of Rubber - Filler Interaction, Degree of Reinforcement and Morphology ,2015, Physial Chemistry and Chemical Physics
  • Production of Activated Carbon from Natural Sources ,2015, iMedPub Journals Trends in Green Chemistry
  • Green synthesis of yellow emitting PMMACdSe/ZnS quantum dots nanophosphors ,2015, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
  • Functionalized MWCNT and PVA nanocomposite membranes for dielectric and pervaporation applications ,2015, Chemical Engineering & Process Technology
  • Carbon Nanotube-thermally Reduced Graphene Hybrid/Styrene Butadiene Rubber Nano Composites: Mechanical, Morphological and Dielectric Studies ,2015, Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
  • Mechanisc and Pervaportaion Performance of Ionic liquid modified CNT based SBR membranes- A case study for the Separation of Tolune/Heptane Mixtures ,2015, International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
  • Optimization of Human Hair Length in a Natural Rubber Based Composite, ,2015, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
  • Facile synthesis of transparent and fluorescent epoxy-CdSe-CdS-ZnS core-multi shell polymer nanocomposites ,2014, New Journal of Chemistry,
  • Epoxidized natural rubber/epoxy blends: Phase morphology and thermomechanical properties ,2014, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
  • Effect of bentonite clay on the mechanical, thermal and pervaporation performance of the Poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite membranes ,2014, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
  • Polychloroprene Rubber/ Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) Nanomembranes for Pervaporation Separation of Azeotropic Mixtures ,2014, Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology
  • Completely green synthesis of dextrose reduced silver nanoparticles, its antimicrobial and sensing properties ,2014, Carbohydrate Polymers,
  • Transport of organic solvents through natural rubber/nitrile rubber/organically modified montmorillonite nanocomposites ,2013, Journal of Materials Science
  • High Performance HTLNR/Epoxy Blend Phase Morphology and Thermo-mechanical Properties ,2012, Journal of Applied Polymer Science
  • Epoxy Resin / Liquid Natural Rubber System: Secondary phase separation and its impact on mechanical properties ,2010, Journal of materials science
  • Sorption and diffusion of aromatic solvents through linear low density polyethylene ethylene vinyl acetate blend membranes ,2007, Journal of materials science
  • Aluminum phthalocyanine: an active and simple catalyst for cyanosilylation of aldehydes ,2007, Applied Organometallic Chemistry
  • Solvent-free cyanosilylation of ketones with (CH 3 ) 3 SiCN (TMSCN) catalyzed by NbF 5 ,2007, Applied Organometallic Chemistry
  • Cyanosilylation of Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by Sodium L-Histidine ,2007, Applied Organometallic Chemistry
  • Solvent-free Cyanosilylation of Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by NbCl 5 ,2007, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
  • Enantioselective Cyanosilylation of Aldehydes Catalyzed by Mn(Salen) Complex/ Triphenyl Phosphine Oxide ,2007, Applied Organometallic Chemistry
  • Cyanosilylation of Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by Potassium L- Aspartic acid ,2007, Bull. Korean Chem.Soc.
  • Solvent-free Cyanosilylation of Aldehydes Catalyzed by SmI 2 ,2007, Appl. Organometal. Chem.
  • Permeation of chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours through nylon6/ethyelene- propylene rubber blends ,2004, Journal of applied polymer science
  • Permeation of chlorinated hydrocarbons through styrene-butadiene rubber/natural rubber blends ,2003, Journal of polymer engineering
  • Crosslinking of elastomers upon ageing: a kinetic approach based on crystallinity changes followed by DSC ,2003, Polymer international
  • Evaluation of Crosslinking in Elastomers using Densimetry,Thermoporometry and Differential Calorimetry Analysis ,2002, Rubber chemistry and technology
  • Transport phenomena through polymeric systems (Review) ,2001, Progress in Polymer science
  • Permeation of nitrogen and oxygen gases through styrene-butadiene rubber, natural rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber /blend membranes ,2001, European polymer journal
  • Styrene-butadiene rubber/natural rubber blends: Morphology, transport phenomena, dynamic mechanical and mechanical properties. ,2000, Journal of applied polymer science
  • Molecular transport of aromatic hydrocarbons through nylon6/ethylene propylene rubber blends: Relationship between phase morphology and transport characteristics. ,2000, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
  • Carbon black filled SBR Composites: The effect of rubber- filler interaction on transport. ,2000, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B
  • Pervaporation separation of chlorinated hydrocarbon and acetone mixtures with crosslinked styrene-butadiene rubber and natural rubber blend membranes ,2000, Journal of Membrane Science
  • Effect of nature and extent of crosslinking on swelling and mechanical behaviour of styrene-butadiene rubber membranes ,1999, Journal of Membrane Science
  • Separation of alkane-acetone mixtures using styrene-butadiene rubber/natural rubber blend membranes ,1999, Journal of applied polymer science
  • Effect of degree of crosslinking on the swelling and mechanical behaviour of conventionally vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubber membranes. ,1999, Polymers & polymer composites
  • Preparation and evaluation of polyurethane foam/rubber membrane based samples for use in isocyanate sampling. ,1998, Plast. Technol. & Eng.,
  • Molecular Transport of Aromatic Hydrocarbons through Crosslinked Styrene butadiene Rubber Membranes. ,1996, Polymer
  • Novel phototransfomation of o-Nitrobenzylic Polymers to Azo Polymers ,1994, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications
  • Exploration of the impact of Bismuth Titanate on MXene for Energy Storage Applications ,2024, International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials for Sustainability
  • A simple procedure for fabricating graphene or modified graphene polyaniline composites for supercapacitor application ,2024, International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.
  • Tribo nanogenerators as a potential energy harvester with the help of elastomeric membrane ,2023, International Online Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (ICBSSD - 2022)
  • Polymer nanocomposites for electromagnetic interference shielding ,2023, International Online Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (ICBSSD - 2022)
  • Comparison of electrospun polyurethane membrane and dip coated electrospun polyurethane membrane in chromium removal ,2023, The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering
  • Comparison of electrospun polyurethane sorbents using GO and Silane modified GO for oil-water sorption ,2023, The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering
  • Electrospun polyurethane membrane for oil - water separation ,2022, International Online Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (ICBSSD - 2022)
  • Mechanics and Pervaporation performance of functionalized nanoparticles based membranes: A Review ,2022, International Online Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (ICBSSD - 2022)
  • Screening of polyurethane based membranes for oil water separation ,2022, International Online Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (ICBSSD - 2022)
  • Heavy metal removal using electrospun polymer nanofibers ,2022, International Online Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (ICBSSD - 2022)
  • Effect of carbon materials on the mechanical, thermal, and tribological properties of Silicone rubber Nanocomposites. ,2021, Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas 2021
  • A review on recent studies of carbon dots from natural sources ,2021, Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas (ICAN 2021)
  • Tuning of the electrochemical properties of rGO electrodes by optimizing the binder concentration ,2021, Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas 2021
  • Tribological Properties of PVDF/GO-MOS2 Composite films ,2021, Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas 2021
  • Mechanical, thermal and morphological characterization of PP/PS/HDPE ternary immiscible polymer blend for light weight automotive applications ,2020, 6th Biennial International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
  • Advances in Polymeric Nanocomposites ,2020, Advanced Material & Technology (ICMAT-20)
  • Tribological Properties of Polymeric Nanocomposites ( invited talk) ,2019, IIUCNN , M.G University
  • Polymer Nanocomposites ,2019, IIUCNN , M.G University
  • Tribological and mechanical properties of Exfoliated graphite/silicon rubber nanocomposites ,2019, Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON-2019, Thrissur
  • Conductivity studies on PANI/RGO composite applied polyester based clothes for the application of supercapacitor electrodes ,2019, Kerala State Technological Congress 2019 , Thrissur
  • Silicon Based Polymer Nanocomposites : Tribological Behaviour ,2018, International Conference on Advances in Material Science (ICAMS 2018), Sree Sankara College, Kalady
  • Tribological Behavioural of Polymer Nanocomposites ,2018, Third International Conference on Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications (ICN 2018), M.G University
  • Graphene Nanocomposites: Multifunctional Materials for the Future ,2018, International Conference on Advanced Nanostructures (ICAN-2018), Catholicate college, Pathanamthitta
  • Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications ,2017, Nanomedicine: Current Scenario and Future Opportunities at S.N College, Chegannur Alappuzha, Kerala
  • Delivered Talks at Coimbatore Institute of Technology ,2016, Polymer composites and Polymer nanocomposites
  • Ionic liquid modified carbon nanotube networking in Styrene butadiene rubber investigated by Electrical conductivity and dielectric properties ,2015, HESPEROS15 NATIONAL SEMINAR ON ADVANCED POLYMERS. The Department of Polymer Engineering Mahatma Gandhi University College of Engineering
  • Development and analysis of Fluoroelastomer/reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites ,2015, HESPEROS15 NATIONAL SEMINAR ON ADVANCED POLYMERS. The Department of Polymer Engineering Mahatma Gandhi University College of Engineering
  • Talk on Curious Nano, FDP on Nanotechnology ,2015, Academia Collaboration, March 28, 2015, IIUCNN
  • Poly (vinyl alcohol) membranes for the Pervaporation Separation of Azeotropic mixtures ,2014, ICNM 2014
  • Effect of Reduced Graphene Oxide on the mechanical and thermal properties of Polychloroprene Rubber/ RGO composites ,2014, BAM NANST, BAM College, Thuruthicad, Kerala
  • PVA/Clay Nanocomposite Membranes for the pervaporation separation of water-organic azeotropic mixtures ,2014, BAM NANST, BAM College, Thuruthicad, Kerala
  • Development of High performance Chloroprene Rubber/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nano Composites ,2014, National Seminar on Nano Structured Materials, NSS Hindu College, Changanassery
  • Conducting behaviour of Ionic liquid modified CNT- SBR Composites ,2014, NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS, N.S.S Hindu College Changanassery
  • Influence of Reduced Graphene Oxide on Polychloroprene Rubber Nanocomposites ,2014, NCMST 2014
  • Development of High performance Chloroprene Rubber Graphene Nano Composites ,2014, UGC sponsored National Seminar (Material Science and Modern Analytical Techniques, MPMMSN College, Shornuur
  • Development, Characterisation and Pervaporation Performance of a PVA/bentonite clay Nanocomposites membranes ,2013, National conference on recent trends in materials Science and technology, IIST, Thiruvanathapuram
  • Natural rubber based Nanocomposites ,2013, National Seminar on Green Materials
  • Ionic Liquid modified Carbon nanotube/ SBR composites ,2013, National Seminar on Green Materials
  • Mechanical, Thermal and Conductive properties of NR/CNT nanocomposites ,2012, Advanced Polymers SCIENTIA-2012, Thodupuzha
  • Elastomeric Nanocomposites ,2010, Advances in Polymer Technology organised by Dept of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology , CUSAT
  • Synthesis, Characterization and properties of NR-clay and ENR-clay nanocomposites ,2009, ICNM-2009, by Institute of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Kottayam
  • Mechanical properties of Natural-clay nanocomposites ,2009, National conf- Nano-09 held at S.N.College Chengannur
  • Determination of liquid rubber molecular Weights by Gel Permeation Chromatography ,2008, Inernational Conference on Polymer blends Composites, IPNs, Membranes, Polyelectrolytes and Gels: Macro to Nano scales , Kottayam
  • Charatersiation of NR/clay nanocomposites by AFM and TEM analsyis ,2007, intercational conference ICNP, Kottayam
  • Anhydride curing of Hydroxlyated liquid natural Rubber Modified Epoxy resin and Morphology ,2007, , International Conference onN antural Polymers, Biopolymers, Bio- materials, Their Composites, Kottayam
  • Preparation and characterization of Natural rubber- clay nanocomposites ,2006, Asia-Rubtech conference, CUSAT
  • Natural rubber-clay nanocomposites ,2005, Science & Technology for Sustainable Development, S.B College Changancherry, Kottayam
  • Pervapoartion characterstics of styrene-butadiene rubber/natural rubber blend membranes ,2005, ICBC 2005, M G Univbersity, Kottayam
  • Diffusion and sorption of aromatic hydrocarbons through nylon/EPR blend membranes ,2001, Proceedings of the 88th Indian science Congress, New Delhi
  • The role of carbon Black/ Rubber Interaction on Transport Properties ,2000, Third International conference on Carbon Black, , Mulhouse (F)
  • Ageing of Elastomers: DSC Study of Crystallinity to Follow the Crosslinking Kinetics ,2000, 8Th International Seminar on Elastomers, , Le Mans, France
  • Gas permeation behavious of natural rubber/ Styrene-butadiene Rubber blend membranes ,1999, 9th Swadeshi Science congress, Kollam
  • Transport of organic liquids and vapours through nylon/EPR membranes ,1999, French Physique conference held at clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Transport behaviour of nylon6/ethylene-propylene rubber blends ,1998, CLRI Chennai
  • The effect of nature of crosslinking on the molecular transport of aliphatic hydrocarbons through SBR membranes ,1998, 85th Indian Science Congress, Osmania University
  • Pervaporation separation of n-alkane/acetone mixtures through SBR/NR blend membranes ,1998, 85th Indian Science Congress, Osmania University
  • The effect of vulcanizing systems on the molecular transport of aromatic hydrocarbons through styrene butadiene rubber membranes ,1996, Kerala Science Congress, Kochi
  • Transport of organic solvents through styrene-butadiene membranes ,1995, Indo-French International Meeting and 13th IMS Conferences, Karnatak University
  • Diffusion and sorption of aromatic hydrocarbons through styrene-butadiene rubber membranes ,1995, 82nd Science Congress, Jadavpur University, Calcutta

Book / Chapters Published

SI# Title of the book Publisher Year ISBN No

A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Science

S.Chand & Company Ltd




A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry

S.Chand,New Delhi




Engineering Chemistry, A distance learning material

Vikas publishing group




Text book of Engineering Chemistry,2019

Chem Publishers, Kottayam




Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction, Volume 857

Scientific net




Multifunctional Polymeric Foams Advancements and Innovative Approaches

CRC Press




Nanotechnology Platforms for Antiviral Challenges Fundamentals, Applications and Advances

CRC Press




Tribology of Polymers, Polymer Composites, and Polymer Nanocomposites





Carbon Nanotubes Functionalization and Potential Applications

Apple Academic Press




Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes





Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation





Polymer Nanocomposites In Supercapcitors

CRC Press




MXene-Filled Polymer Nanocomposites

CRC Press




Carbon Nanotubes for Energy and Environmental Applications

Apple Academic press ( In press)




Optical and Molecular Physics : Theoretical Principles and Experimental Methods

Apple Academic Press




Properties and Applications of Butadiene Rubbers

Nova Publisher USA




Nanotechnology in Societal Development

Springer Nature




Nanofillers for Binary Polymer Blends




SI# Title of the paper/article Publisher Year(dd-mm-yy) Page (From-To) ISBN No
1. Ethylene Propylene Diene Rubber /Carbon Black Composites John Wiley & Sons 06-02-2025 129-149 978-0-471-79057-0
2. Ethylene Propylene Diene Rubber/ Natural Rubber Blends John Wiley & Sons 06-02-2025 441-470 978-0-471-79058-7
3. Manufacturing Techniques of Mutiphase Polymeric Systems John Wiley & Sons 06-02-2025 123-157 978-0-470-71420
4. Micro and Nano TiO2 Reinforced Natural Rubber Composites Royal Society of Chemsitry 06-02-2025 307-323 978-1-84973-631-2
5. Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Waste Water Purification CRC Press 06-02-2025 200-300 978-0-471-79057-0
6. Conductive elastomer composites based on CNT CRC 06-02-2025 FGHK-TTGH gdtfhf
7. Instrumental techniques for the characterisation of nano particles ELSEVIER 06-02-2025 hgytg-ty 9780323461399
8. Materials for Polymer Nanocomposites Wiley 06-02-2025 1-28 9781118969793
9. Polymer Supercapacitors CRC Press 06-02-2025 x-y z
10. Development of Super Hydrophobic Surfaces for Oil Spill Separation Elsevier 06-02-2025 151-162 9780128098844
11. Polymeric foams - An Introduction CRC Press 06-02-2025 1-35
12. A Refection of Antiviral Potential of Functional Nanoparticles CRC Press 06-02-2025 1-29 9781032152301
13. 3D printed membranes for oil/water separation Elsevier 06-02-2025 181-191 978-0-323-99861-1
14. Development of PVDF-based polymer nanocomposites for energy applications Elsevier 06-02-2025 298-318 978-0-12-820558-7
15. Tribology of graphene-based polymeric systems Elsevier 06-02-2025 215-233 978-0-323-90748-4
16. Introduction: A journey to the tribological behavior of polymeric materials Elsevier 06-02-2025 1-16 978-0-323-90748-4
17. Tribology of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites: Effect of Fiber Length, Fiber Orientation, and Fiber Size Springer 06-02-2025 99-117 978-981-15-9635-3
18. Thermal and Flame retardant properties of XLPE Nanocomposites and Blends Springer 06-02-2025 177-195 978-981-16-0486-7
19. One-dimensional (1D) nanomaterials: Nanorods and nanowires; nanoscale processing Elsevier 06-02-2025 71-101 978-0-12-820569-3
20. XLPE Nanocomposites and Blends: Morphology and Mechanical Properties Springer 06-02-2025 159-175 978-981-16-0486-7
21. Carbon Nanotubes for Solar Energy Conversion Applications AAP/CRC Press 06-02-2025 281-310 978-1774638576
22. Fabrication and Applications of Nanocomposites AAP/Tayalor and Fransis 06-02-2025 335-372 978-1774910726
23. Thermoanalytical Techniques of Nanomaterials Elsevier 06-02-2025 213-236 978-0-08-101973-3
24. Rheological Characterization of Nanocomposites Elsevier 06-02-2025 167-189 978-0-08-101973-3
25. Liquid Transport Through Elastomers Elsevier 06-02-2025 71-89 978-0-12-809884-4
26. Liquid Transport Characteristics in Polymeric Systems: An Introduction Elsevier 06-02-2025 4-14 978-0-12-809884-4
27. Elastomeric polymer blend nanocomposites for energy storage applications Elsevier 06-02-2025 91-107 978-0-323-99549-8
28. Nanocellulose-based polymer composites for energy applications Elsevier 06-02-2025 167-175 978-0-12-820557-0
29. Nano and micro elastomeric foams in energy and other related applications Elsevier 06-02-2025 143-165 978-0-12-820557-0
30. Liquid Transport Through Thermosets Elsevier 06-02-2025 107-118 978-0-12-809884-4
31. Liquid Transport Through Polymer Nanocomposites Elsevier 06-02-2025 191-215 978-0128098844
32. Liquid Transport Through Biodegradable Polymers Elsevier 06-02-2025 301-321 978-0128098844
33. Surface Characteristics of Ionic Liquid-modified Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube- based Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Nanocomposites: Contact Angle Studies Apple Academic Press 06-02-2025 1-17 978-1351048125
34. Hybrid Pervaporation Process in Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation Elsevier 06-02-2025 393-407 978-0128167854
35. Splitting of water: biological and non-biological approaches Elsevier 06-02-2025 452-469 978-0-12-822810-4
36. Green Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes AAP/CRC Press 06-02-2025 255-282 978-1774637173
37. Rheology of Polymer–Carbon Nanotube Composites John Wiley & Sons 06-02-2025 1-21 978-0471484943
38. Polymers for Supercapacitors: An Overview CRC Press 06-02-2025 1-15 978-1032005454
39. Polymer nanocomposite membranes for pervaporation : An Introduction Elsevier 06-02-2025 1-16 978-0128167854
40. Butadiene Rubbers as Multipurpose Elastomers: Current Status Nova Publisher USA 06-02-2025 1 -18 9798891139695
41. Properties and Applications of Butadiene Rubbers Nova Publisher USA 06-02-2025 253-265 9798891139695
42. Nanotechnology in Societal Development Springer Nature 06-02-2025 1 -64 978-981-97-6183-8
43. Nanotechnology and Water: Emerging Solutions for a Global Crisis 06-02-2025 333-374 978-981-97-6183-8
44. Introduction: role of nanofillers in binary polymer blends Elsevier 06-02-2025 1 -20 978-0-323-88655-0

Training programs attended

  • NEP 2020 ORIENTATION & SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME, Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC)Regional Institute of Education, Mysore (Programme ID - MMC041-2024-NOV-B-02844), Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, from 2024-11-18 to 2024-12-26
  • Administrative Training Program - Moodle LMS Management, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2020-07-16 to 2020-08-04

Invited speakers in seminars/conferences/workshops

  • Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(conference), Organised AICTE,  FDP, from 2015-04-20 to 2016-05-01
  • Innovative practices and future trends held(Conference), IEEE(International conference on Engineering Education), IEEE Educational Society and IEEE Kerala Section, from 2012-07-19 to 2012-07-22
  • Delivered career guidance classes to Students, St. Joseph Higher Secondary School,  Peruvanthanum, from 0000-00-00 to 2014-11-30

Funded Projects

  • Development of Piezoelectric Mxene/ Bismuth Titanate- PVDF/CTAB modified rGO Supercapacitor Power Cell , PI, Fund-Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT), from 2023-02-21 to 2025-02-20
  • Development of superhydrophobic Polyurethane based cloth for effective removal of Organic solvents and oils, PI, Fund-All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), from 2020-09-21 to 2023-09-20
  • Human hair reinforced natural rubber composites, Advisor, Fund-AJCE, from 2020-07-21 to 2020-07-21
  • DST-FIST Project , Other, Fund-DST, New Delhi, from 2019-12-28 to 2024-12-27
  • Conversion of Plastic Waste into Foam, PI, Fund-Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), from 2019-08-05 to 2020-08-05
  • Development of graphene based PVDF supercapacitors, PI, Fund-APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Thiruvananthapuram (KTU), from 2019-03-28 to 2021-03-27
  • Graphene -PANI composite material for the development of supercapacitor, Co-PI, Fund-KTU, from 2018-03-25 to 2021-03-24
  • Development of silicon rubber graphene nanocomposite for tribological applications, PI, Fund-Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), from 2017-09-21 to 2020-09-20
  • Introduction of Polymer Science to undergraduate students of Mahatma Gandhi University Science Popularisation project sanctioned, PI, Fund-KSCSTE, from 2015-09-26 to 2016-09-25
  • Development, characterization and pervaporation performance of chitosan blended PVA/bentonite clay nanocomposite, Advisor, Fund-KSCSTE Trivandrum, from 2013-07-25 to 2014-07-24
  • Effect of nanosilica on the compressive properties of the Natural rubber latex modified concrete , Advisor, Fund-KSCSTE Trivandrum, from 2013-07-24 to 2014-07-23
  • Development of High performance Graphene /Polychloroprene Rubber nanocomposites, PI, Fund-DST,New Delhi, from 2013-01-15 to 2016-07-31
  • Development of Novel Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanocomposite Membranes for the Pervaporation Separation of Aqueous Organic Liquid Mixtures, PI, Fund-KSCSTE ,Trivandrum, from 2012-01-19 to 2015-04-30
  • Utilization of polymer waste as potential filler in elastomers , Advisor, Fund-AJCE , from 2007-07-18 to 2008-07-17
  • Synthesis Characterization and properties of Nanomaterials , Co-PI, Fund-DST,New Delhi, from 2005-06-23 to 2010-06-22
  • Synthesis, characterization and properties of clay-natural rubber nanocomposite, PI, Fund-DST, New Delhi, from 2005-06-08 to 2008-06-07
  • SBR -Exfoliated graphite Composites, PI, Fund-IEDC, DST(AJCE), from 0000-00-00 to 0000-00-00

Faculty as members of Expert committees

  • KTU M.Tech ( nanotechnology ) Syllabuscommittee member , Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Member , from 2022-07-22 to 2022-09-22
  • M.Tech Chemical Engineering Stream of Kottayam Cluster under Kerala Technological University , APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Chairman, from 2015-01-08 to 2023-05-15

Faculty as members of Editorial Boards

  • Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, Academic Research , Editorial Board Member , from 2022-07-15 to 2023-07-31
  • Science Progress, Sage, Member , Editorial Board Member, from 2019-07-01 to 2020-07-13
  • International Journal of Membrane Science And Technology, other, Editorial Board Member, from 1970-01-01 to 2020-07-07

Fellowship/Membership in Professional Bodies/Academies

  • Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry , London, 07-01-2014
  • BK-21 South Korean Postdoctoral Fellowship, Postdoctoral studies in South Korea, 01-08-2006
  • Visiting research programme in Composite Technology , SERC-Visiting , 01-04-2001

Positions Held

  • Pursuing Patron- AJCE National Digital Library Club , from 20-10-2021,  Nominated as Patron NDLI club
  • SPOC, from 01-06-2019, to 30-05-2020, Acted as Single point of contact of Smart Hakathon Event
  • Pursuing Dean Research, from 10-05-2018,  Good
  • Pursuing Chairman M.Tech Nanotechnology programme, Kottayam cluster,K T U, from 28-09-2015,  Good
  • Chairman -Engineering chemistry programme , K T U Valuation camp at AJCE, from 28-09-2015, to 29-09-2019, Good
  • Pursuing Founder Director,Centre For Nanoscience and Technology ., from 01-03-2012,  good
  • Research Secretary,NAAC and NBA Accreditation,AJCE, from 01-03-2012, to 29-09-2019, GOOD
  • External examiner for PhD viva voce,Bharathiar university, from 01-03-2012, to 29-09-2019, Good
  • External examiner for PhD Viva voce,Anna university, from 01-03-2012, to 29-09-2019, Good
  • External examiner for PhD Viva voce,Anna university, from 01-03-2012, to 29-09-2019, Good
  • EXternal examiner for PhD Thesis,Madurai kaamaraj university , from 01-03-2012, to 29-09-2019, Good
  • Pursuing P G Board Member , Bharathiar university, from 01-03-2012,  Good
  • Co-ordinator , first year B.Tech,AJCE, from 01-03-2006, to 09-03-2012, Good
  • H O D ,Dept of Basic sciences,AJCE, from 02-05-2004, to 03-09-2012, Good
  • Chief superintent of Exams,AJCE , AJCE, from 01-03-2001, to 03-09-2006, Good
  • Staff Advisor to students council ,AJCE, from 01-03-2001, to 03-09-2005, Good
  • Head ,Dept. of students welfare,AJCE, from 01-03-2001, to 03-09-2004, Good
  • Programme officer, Youth Redcross-Crescent Eng college,Chennai , from 01-03-2000, to 29-09-2001, Good

Current Responsibilities

  • Pursuing Director , from 24-07-2012,  Founder director of Amal Jyothi Centre for Nanoscience and technology
  • Pursuing Chairman , from 01-08-2015,  Acting as the chairman, M.Tech Nanotechnology, Kottayam Cluster, APJ Abdual Kalam Technological University

Specialized Trainings

  • Indo Uk workshop, Current Development of Waste water Treatment in India, NIT, Trichi, 2011-08-29
  • One day Course on Nano Science and technology, IIT Chennai, 2010-04-23
  • UGC Sponsored short term Course for Research Guides, UGC Academic Staff College University of Kerala, 2003-03-23
  • DST , SERC visiting Fellow ( Research on Reinforced reaction injection moulding), IIT Chennai, 2001-01-04

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